Hi everyone
Today's a sunny one, and that's kind of sad,
because I'm sick. I'm hoping that it's not swine flu. Even though
they say that it doesn't make a big difference, and they won't even test it anymore, but still the idea of maybe having the pig flu isn't a nice feeling.
But well, my fever is not that high so.. Whatever :) I'm still alive, right?
Well, today I woke up early although is S..Sunday? I was thinking it's Saturday.
I watched TV a bit and cooked pasta and then I went to the nearest shop and bought tampons and new cosmopolitan magazine, and I got 2 cosmos for 1's price, Juny's issue for free. And then I joined the Cosmo club on the net or whatever it is and surfed a bit on their website. I looove magazines. I missed the first episode of the new Desperate Housewives season, and I feel so miserable.
My dad tried to record it, but he failed! Well, on Monday the second one. Must see. My bf was very kind to me today, he brought me some thai food..!
I actually don't have anything important to tell you guys, but it's just that we haven't been writing again for a long time. Oh, we had Olivia's birthday party maybe a week ago (no, not that long ago) and we had fun. We made salad and a delicious soup and baguettes, and served them to our few good friends. It was cool. Making food with friends is a good way to spend time with friends and a good option for hanging out in some mall...
And I read one interesting thing from cosmo about cheating and stuff, and they said that 42% of our coutry's men has been cheating sometimes, and 32% of women..
That is terrible. And it says also that 54% of men will be driven to cheat because of a tempting opportunity. Hello, it's over a half! Nott nice.. Bad men!
At the moment I'm reading Nancy Thayer's The Hot Flash Club.
Yes. I chose it by the cover in a hurry and later I realized
that it tells about middle-aged women as you can understand from the title..
Well anyways it's been pretty good actually. But now I'm going to stop writing and read the other Cosmo!
Have a good day and beware of the pigbug!

Rebecca Taylor
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